The problem we solve: Many organisations struggle to reconcile the demands for setting visionary goals whilst also having specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bounded objectives. This is particularly the case for large organisations where there is an expectation set by key stakeholders on boards and senior managers that uncertainty (and therefore risk) will be managed appropriately. In the same way, there in an expectation that the business agenda will remain on clearly articulated goals. Too often the result is a reluctance to be visionary – hence failing to achieve optimum outcomes. Alternatively, vision statements are set more as “hope statements”, without clear pathways for their achievement.
Our Solution: Literally Brilliant has a visionary planning tool called the TenTwoSix® which helps companies set ten-year long-term goals accounting for uncertainty in their framing. Then, very specific two-year medium-term objectives are set to lay the foundation of achieving the long-term goals. Teams within the business can then set their six-month short-term priorities based on the specific two-year medium-term objectives.
What we do: Literally Brilliant will conduct seminars with senior managers and directors to help them to create visionary goals. These are often outside of the sphere of normal thinking for the organisation and may require attendees to view the business in different ways. Literally Brilliant will provide guidance and assistance in this process using well established techniques. Then, once the long-term visionary goals have been established, attendees will be guided in how to work with their teams to establish medium-term measurable objectives that will contribute to achieving the long-term goals. In turn, each medium-term measurable objective can be broken down into a series of immediate priorities that can be incorporated into personal or area KPIs.
Scope and cost of the seminar/seminars is determined by the size and complexity of the organisation and the number of people to be involved.
Delivery mode is normally on client’s premises but part/full videoconference delivery is an option.
Who we help: This product is designed for company boards and their senior management teams. It is appropriate for large companies, universities and large not-for-profit organisations.